Mayo Clinic Innovations in Gastroenterology and Hepatology: AI and Beyond program focuses on exciting and promising innovations across a spectrum ranging from endoscopy techniques and devices to digital applications and artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled tools for diagnosis and management of GI and hepatobiliary diseases.

The program will include keynote speakers, lectures by opinion leaders, expert panel discussions and presentations of ongoing and successful innovations in gastroenterology and hepatology by Mayo Clinic innovators, as well as abstract sessions. The didactic and keynote presentations will cover topics including novel endoscopic techniques and devices, AI-based applications in GI endoscopy, radiology and pathology, use of natural language processing and machine learning for diagnosis and management of GERD, fatty liver disease, cirrhosis, Barrett’s esophagus and pancreatic cancer. In addition, specific sessions will focus on regulatory aspects of software as a medical device, overview of the patent and IP process, and outline key considerations for designing and publishing studies using AI-based methodology.

Join us to learn how these emerging innovations are poised to transform the practice of gastroenterology and hepatology!


⌛ Event Dates & Venue

19 May - 20 May 2023, 7:00 am - 12:00 pm

💸 Website & Tickets

Link to event siteGo to Event Website
Ticket Pricing:
General Admission: USD 695.00

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